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Empowering Food Allergy Communities



Delivered to our partner food pantries for their visitors with medical dietary needs.


Partner Manufacturers

Partner with us on a recurring basis to donate their allergen-friendly foods and reduce food waste.



Receive our safe food alongside educational programming and resources.



Provided to allergen-avoidant individuals through the SSF program. 

About SSF

Securing Safe Food (SSF) is a national nonprofit dedicated to fighting food insecurity among individuals with food allergies and improving access to allergen-free foods. Through partnerships, communication, research, and education, we aim to revolutionize food options for under-resourced, allergen-avoidant families by providing nutritionally balanced alternatives. Our vision is a world where individuals with dietary restrictions can enjoy meals without compromising their health, ensuring food security and inclusivity for all.

Serving Food

Food Pantry Program

We stock U.S. food pantries with allergen-free options on a consistent basis for individuals with food allergies, celiac disease, or other dietary conditions. These foods are distributed to pantries committed to separating them for allergen-avoidant households—our education tools ensure specialty food reaches those most in need. 


Beyond medically safe food, we recognize the importance of culturally relevant and sustainable choices.

Packing Food in Boxes


34 million Americans face food insecurity. 32 million Americans live with a food allergy. Those numbers are globally on the rise. Your donations help us end hunger and boost allergy-free nutrition! 

For Pantry Visitors

Do you visit an SSF-affiliated pantry or were you referred by your clinician? Sign up for free food notifications or to leave feedback. 

Meet The Team

Founded in 2020, Securing Safe Food is a 100% volunteer-driven organization with a leadership comprising university students across the U.S.

Helping Hands


Dharma Galang

Executive Director, Berkeley Food Pantry (CA)

"We can better tailor the bags for our clients with food allergies. Thank you for partnering with us!"
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