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Gabriella DiGiovanni

Head Food Pantry Coordinator

University of Vermont '27

Studying biology

Allergies: peanuts, tree nuts

Hometown: Wayne, NJ

Gabriella has been undergoing oral immunotherapy for hazelnuts, pecans, and walnuts since July of 2021. When not working with SSF, she is usually listening to music, working out, or reading!

As the second member of my family to have food allergies, finding safe food at a grocery store was not new to my family. I was first diagnosed after having an allergic reaction to peanut butter in preschool, so I learned at a young age to read labels and be careful when eating at friends’ houses. After growing older and questioning the price differences between allergy-friendly products and their regular equivalents, I became more involved in food allergy initiatives and awareness, including Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) and their Teen Advisory Group in February 2020. Through this program, I learned about Securing Safe Food and joined the project in March of 2020. Since then, our team has worked incredibly hard to assist an overlooked group of individuals—those with food allergies who utilize food pantries. I am grateful to be a part of this group of women banding together to help others.

Gabriella DiGiovanni
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