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Danielle Huli

Director of Outreach

Northeastern University

Studying Biochemistry

Hometown: Albany, NY

Danielle just completed her first 6 month co-op at ReNAgade Therapeutics and is interested in incorporating food allergy research and/or treatment into a future career.

On my own trips to the grocery store, I spend a lot of time going through the ingredients and allergy statement of each product and deciding if I would feel safe eating it or not. I have food products and companies that I know I can rely on and purchase almost every trip. Customers of food pantries don’t often have the option to fall back upon a company they trust. 

I joined Securing Safe Food to help people who rely on the supply of food pantries be able to live a safer life. One of the most difficult parts to overcome with a life-threatening allergy, for me, is the anxiety and stress that comes with not knowing whether the food you consume is safe for you. I want to help alleviate these feelings in people with food allergies. Working with allergy-friendly brands that are enthusiastic about our mission is so important and gratifying.

Danielle Huli
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